10 Things for which I’m most Grateful

Posted by Mary Babiez on Nov 07 2015

Now that Halloween is over and the ghosts and goblins are neatly tucked away, Christmas is popping up all over. It seems Christmas promotions get earlier every year. While I’m glad to see many stores opting to stay closed on Thanksgiving and not open their doors at ungodly hours on Black Friday morning, I hope that this spirit of Thanksgiving goes deep enough for everyone to truly think about the season, what they are grateful for, and how that can best be shared.

In that spirit of gratitude, we are hosting a Facebook Giveaway to help one lucky winner start a new tradition of sharing gratitude with the Giving Thanks guest book. Head on over to our Facebook page to learn more.

With that, I give you my 10 things for which I am most grateful. In the comments, I would love to hear one of yours!

The roof over my head – I am grateful to have a comfortable home filled with love and lifelong memories.

Good food and tasty treats – I am grateful for a husband who appreciates my desire to try out new recipes time and time again.

The earth – I am grateful for the smell of the earth when digging in the garden, the beauty of the trees in our favorite hiking places, and the power of water.

Friendship – I am grateful for the close friends that are family by choice.

Travel – I am grateful for the opportunity to travel and share quality time with friends and my one true love in beautiful settings.

My business – I am grateful for the opportunity to do what I love every day in an effort to make gift giving just a little easier for all of you.

The closeness of family – I am grateful for a family who shares the same values and truly enjoys being together.

Faith – I am grateful for my faith which, no matter how difficult life gets, will always see me through.

My husband – I am grateful for the love and laughter that we share no matter what life brings.

God – I am grateful every day for all of these and so many more that simply cannot be without His blessings from Heaven.

Share your gratitude in the comments!