8 Gift Ideas For New Parents

Posted by Mary Babiez on Oct 25 2024

New parents are often in desperate need of a gift or two. Not just for their baby but also for themselves. It’s often said that it takes a village to raise a child but it can also take a village to fund that child too. Buying for a baby is expensive so any gifts that are given to the new parents are often greatly received.

With that being said, if you’re looking for a gift for your friends or family members who have recently become new parents, then here are some great ideas to consider.

1. Meal delivery service

Who doesn’t like the idea of having a meal delivered straight to their door? Take-outs are a great way to get food fast but not every night can be a take-out night.

When you’re a new parent, the last thing you want to think about is cooking or buying the ingredients to cook the meals you’ve haphazardly planned as you navigate the new routine of parenting.

Meal delivery services are great for those who want food that arrives all neatly packaged and ready to prepare or cook. Depending on what type of service you go for, there are plenty of great options and variations in food depending on what the parents like or dislike.

2. Baby bouncer

A baby bouncer is a great addition for parents who are finding it hard to do anything when they’re carrying their baby. Whether the baby is in the sling or just in their arms, sometimes a person needs both hands to do something, or to put the baby down.

When that needs to happen, a baby bouncer is a good way to put the baby down, even if it’s just for five minutes while mom or dad makes a quick coffee.

Baby bouncers are fun for the baby too and while typically they would bounce, some rock side to side or rotate, giving the baby something to enjoy as they look around - or sleep!

3. A convertible crib

A convertible crib is an excellent choice for those new parents who enjoy being on the move but need something that offers flexibility to their movements. Parents who travel a fair amount could benefit from convertible cribs, so it’s definitely a gift that would be appreciated by many.

Cribs are good for introducing the baby into their own bed and while many babies will find it easy to adapt to their own bed, not every baby goes down so easily. That’s why having a familiar crib every time is going to help with that process. With the convertible function of these cribs, they can be adapted to help the parents, wherever they may be.

4. Family first aid kit

A first aid kit can be helpful when it comes to addressing all manner of injuries, whether it’s a small scratch or a harsh burn caused by boiling water, etc.

A family first aid kit is good for new parents because there’s likely a lot of medication and various medical-related products that would come in handy for both themselves and the baby.

With a newborn, there’s often a risk of sickness, especially for parents who are run down. That’s why it’s always helpful to have a stock of medicine available for this very reason. When gift-giving, although it might seem like a bit of an odd one to give, an abundance of products presented as a family first aid kit can come in handy many times.

5. Night light

Night lights are helpful for both babies and parents. The night light for a baby can be a comforting light in the middle of the night and in between periods of sleep when they’re waking up for a midnight feed or change. These night lights are also helpful for parents who need to stumble their way through the room or home, looking for the necessary items required to tend to their baby.

Opt for a night light that’s fairly versatile and where possible, touch or voice-activated so it makes turning the light off and on, a breeze.

6. Bath toys

Bath toys are a great option because, from a young age, parents will be bathing the baby on an almost daily basis. In the beginning, the baby doesn’t need much in the way of bathing but eventually, a bath in the evening becomes a part of their routine. It can often be a habit that will encourage them to relax and get ready for bed.

There are plenty of variations in bath toys to choose from. From the early weeks and months, sensory toys will be a better option but as they get older, they might want to be introduced to educational toys too.

7. Reheatable mug

A reheatable mug is something to consider when gifting to a loved one or family member who’s recently had a baby. Any new parent will tell you that having a hot drink when it’s hot is nearly impossible. It only gets more challenging as the baby gets older and begins to move around.

That’s why a reheatable mug is an excellent choice for those who often find their hot drinks cold before they’ve barely had a chance to sip it. 

8. Custom baby gift basket

If you love the idea of a baby gift basket, we are always able to customize to the baby products you prefer. One of our stylish gift baskets can be accompanied by any of the gifts above, or something smaller such as a night light or bath toys can be added to any of the baskets available here. 

If you’re seeking inspiration for gifts for new parents, then hopefully these tips will help you find the right present that they need.