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National Relaxation Day – 7 Ways to Relax

Posted by Mary Babiez on Aug 14 2015

Today is National Relaxation Day. Stress occurs in all walks of life, in all age groups, and during both happy and sad or difficult times. Occasional stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when it becomes more chronic or constant, it can negatively impact your health and quality of life.

That’s why it’s important to manage the stress in your life, and National Relaxation Day is a great reminder to take time to relax and partake in activities that help ease stress.

Practice positive thinking – I recently bought myself a new coffee mug. I had been in need of a new mug, but when I bought this one in particular, it was more than just “a new mug”. I found myself in an overly stressful time, and I happened to see a mug at Homegoods that said: God bless your beautiful spirit. This was exactly what I needed to hear, so I grabbed it. I find using that mug reminds me of the positive in my life, and helps to reduce stress. Whether it’s a statement on a mug, a book of quotes you flip through as needed, or positive quotes you find on Facebook, these good thoughts keep stress at bay.

Take a walk – Walking is both physically and mentally relaxing. Something as simple as a 20 minute walk when you’re feeling stressed will relax you and freshen your thinking. Whether it’s a mental boost or clearing an overly cluttered brain, a short walk will do a world of good.

Try yoga or tai chi – Both of these practices focus on slow, stretching movements that relax the mind and body. Like walking, 20 minutes is all you need to feel the benefit of relaxation. But if time allows, go for 30 or 40 minutes for a full body workout.

Laugh – I truly believe that laughter is the best medicine. And in terms of relaxation, a good laugh goes a long way.

Lose yourself in a hobby – Whether it’s reading a good book, playing a musical instrument, painting, drawing, or dancing; making time to indulge in a hobby of choice is a wonderful relaxation technique. Doing something that brings you great pleasure will ease your mind and cultivate joy and positive thinking.

Bask in the beauty of nature – Take 15 minutes away from your daily routine, and find a quiet spot outdoors. Listen to the birds or wind in the trees, enjoy a flower garden, or listen to a rainfall. Think of nothing but the sounds and sights of nature. Take deep breaths and relax.

Aromatherapy – Enjoy a spa day at home or at a spa of your choice. Indulge your senses in aromas like lavender, citrus, and peppermint. Candles, bubble bath, soaps, and oils are all great methods of aromatherapy. Breathe in deeply and feel yourself relax.