​Summer Thank You Gifts for Someone Special

Posted by Mary Babiez on Jul 26 2017

Yesterday we said good-bye to our dog sitter who we’ve had for the past year. She stayed in our house with our Cody on long weekends when we were away as well as popping in to see him on days that we both needed to be gone all day. Cody loved her and she loved Cody and nothing gave us greater comfort when we had to leave our precious puppy behind.

Unfortunately all good things come to an end, and Cody’s beloved friend and sitter is moving out of state. We wanted to give her a special summer thank you gift, so naturally I made her a custom gift basket with some treats for humans and for her own special pup. (Doggie treats not shown)

Throughout the summer there are many occasions to send a summer thank you gift.

Vacation house sitter – While vacations give us much needed rest and relaxation, planning to be away for a week or longer can be stressful. Knowing you have a house sitter to take care of plants, bring in your mail, or simply keep an eye on the house while you’re gone reduces that stress and makes your vacation that much more enjoyable.

Pet sitter –Our Cody is a home body. He doesn’t like to be away from home, so when we go on vacation we need a sitter to stay with him in our home. Pet sitters can either watch your pet in your home or in their own home. Whether caring for your pet in their home or yours, your pet sitter provides comfort and peace of mind while you’re away, whether it’s for a day or a week.

Mail carrier – We usually think of gifting our mail carriers at Christmas. Why not change it up this year. Your mail carrier may have days on end of sweltering heat to endure while delivering mail throughout the summer. A cool summer thank you gift would be a welcome surprise!

Camp counselor – Camp counselors are a dedicated group. They love your kids. They entertain. They comfort and they provide care. Every day, all week long. A summer thank you gift for your camp counselor lets them know how truly valued they are.

Summer intern – If you have a summer intern who has been especially helpful and reliable, a small gift of thanks will ensure they feel appreciated.

Weekend stay host or hostess – You spent a long weekend visiting friends, and your host went out of their way to make your stay memorable. You don’t have to scramble to find a gift before you leave. After you’re back at home and settled, send them a custom designed gift basket as a summer thank you gift. We’ll even customize it with a few of their favorite things!

Rental cabin owner – I personally prefer renting a private cabin or Airbnb over staying at a hotel because I like that homey feeling. If you’ve rented a place that had all the comforts of home, let the owner know by sending or leaving behind a small gift.

BBQ host or hostess – Hostess gifts are not just for the holidays! Bringing your BBQ or backyard party host a gift adds a special sense of appreciation for their efforts.

In the busyness of summer, we often take many of these occasions for granted. It’s never too late to send a special summer thank you gift.

Who's on your summer thank you list?