
What's so special about August - August Fun Facts

What's so special about August - August Fun Facts

Posted by Mary Babiez on Aug 03 2014

The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning. The weeks that come before are only a cl … read more
National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

Posted by Mary Babiez on Jul 31 2014

August 2nd is National Ice Cream Sandwich Day and we're sharing some of the best ice cream sandwiches we've found around the web! These were all chosen for uniqueness, variety of flavors, and my own p … read more

What's So Special About July - July Fun Facts

Posted by Mary Babiez on Jul 02 2014

July is here and that means BBQ's, fireworks, and red, white, and blue!Summer weddings, birthdays, vacations, and staycations.And if that's not enough to celebrate, here are … read more
Gifts for the Gardener - Products We Love

Gifts for the Gardener - Products We Love

Posted by Mary Babiez on Jul 01 2014

As a lifetime gardener myself, I know that gardening is a passion. The beauty of nature, the serenity of the garden, hands upon the earth are all reasons for the passion.  Although you don't need … read more