The Power of the Written Word As a Perfect Gift

Posted by Sally Writes on Jul 01 2019

(photo courtesy of Wooden Earth)

Gift giving can oftentimes be daunting, especially when 28% of gifts are returned. When it comes to holidays, birthdays, and other celebrations, thinking up of a perfect gift to give can often prove to be stressful, which usually leads into the giving of a gift card or cash. However, if you like to write, giving someone a piece of your writing can solve your gift-giving woes, as it can make the perfect addition to any gift basket, a bottle of wine, and more.

A successful gift for anyone

One of the reasons gifting your writing can be such a successful gift is because you can adapt your writing to fit the preferences of the receiver. As mentioned before, you can write something in line with their preferred genre, and you can tailor the story to something you think your recipient will like. If you go with writing a letter, you can show someone how much you truly care for and appreciate them. These gifts can also be easily mailed, which is great for those loved ones who live far away - and opting to buy stamps online is a great way to keep them handy for when you finish your written gift, as you can mail it out as soon as you finish.

Gifting your words

If you’ve ever strived to find a meaningful and personalized gift, you might know all too well the stress that comes with finding the perfect thing to give. However, you might be surprised to know that the perfect gift (or the perfect complement to a gift) could have been lying in your written words the whole time. That’s right, gifting your written words can be a great meaningful gift, and there are many ways to go about it.

If you enjoy creative writing, you might not have thought of turning one of your pieces into a gift. However, you’re in luck if the receiver enjoys reading. Giving someone a short story (or even a collection of short stories) can be a perfect gift for the bookworms in your life - especially if you know their preferred genre. Or if you don’t find creative writing to be your thing, writing a heartfelt letter works just as well. Whether it be to your mom, dad, grandparents, or dear friend, writing a letter of thanks, how you feel, or just to reminisce on old times can also be a great written gift idea.

The perfect addition

While giving a written gift can work great on its own, giving it alongside a present can make it that much more meaningful. For example, if you usually give your best friend a bottle of wine on her birthday, you could write a letter reminiscing on old times spent drinking wine together to make the gift more meaningful and personalized. Or, if you are giving a new watch to your spouse for Christmas, you could include a note saying how you’ve always known how much he wanted one. Letters and notes that come with presents aren’t only there for a special touch, but can also be saved as mementos, which makes them that much more special.

Gift giving can be a stressful experience, but it doesn't have to be. If you enjoy writing, you can easily have a great gift to give - and, if you already have something picked out as a present, adding a note or letter can bring a personalized and meaningful touch.